Picture this: 1980s big-hair Kate Bush strolling through the neon-lit streets of Black Mirror’s San Junipero. In one hand, she clutches her well-loved copy of Haruki Murakami’s Norwegian Wood. In her ears, Janet Jackson’s Control pulses through her Walkman, carried by those unmistakable orange foam headphones. Got the picture?
Good. Now you’re ready to step into the world of Fabiana Palladino.
Fabiana Palladino’s self-titled album is one of the most remarkable and fully realized debut albums in recent memory — especially considering how it stands so defiantly apart from today’s musical trends. It’s like the high school outsider who doesn’t care about impressing the cool kids but somehow becomes their quiet muse.
The album seamlessly merges a nuanced blend of sub-genre influences: the shimmering art-rock, synth-pop, and glam-rock of the ‘80s; the soulful RnB breakup anthems of the ‘90s; and even the infectious disco-funk grooves of the ‘70s.
Take In The Fire, for example. Fabiana creates a hypnotic soundscape that draws you in completely, and just as you’re about to lose yourself in its dreamlike atmosphere, the synth kicks in — and suddenly, you’re making the kind of stankface that only great funk can inspire.
This album feels deeply personal. It feels like a one-on-one conversation between you and Fabiana — the kind of music you want to keep to yourself because it feels like your little secret.
But some secrets are too good to keep. Fabiana Palladino’s artistry deserves to be shared. This is music that demands to be heard.
Fabiana Palladino’s eponymous debut is my 2024 Album of the Year.
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